Multi-head weighing
The highly controllable computer aided weighing machines that we have installed in our factory are designed to offer 100% accuracy when weighing products from 5 grammes to 2,000 grammes. This accurate weighing enables us to ensure a very high level of consistency throughout our clients product ranges.
As we have this state of the art multi head weighing machinery installed, we’re able to offer unparalleled reliability and value for money to all of our clients.
Whilst we might typically target a weight of 100 grammes per product pack, we have the capability to weigh a huge range of products with intricate accuracy, and then pack the products using one of our bagging machines below the multi-head weigher.
If you would like to learn more about how Marsden Packaging can help you with your packing needs, please call us on 01254 264687, or email us using the contact form.